Matar ke Kachori (Pea Kachori)

  •  Matar ke Kachori (Pea Kachori) 

  • matar ke kachori recipe

Wonderful fried puf ed pastry which is filled with spicy fried green peas. A great snack or something that can form part of any meal. 

Ingredients for 12 Kachoris 

For the pastry 

1 cup of all purpose flour pinch of salt 

2tblsps oil About ½ cup of chilled water.


For the filling

1 cup of green peas (frozen are fine) 

1tsp oil1tbsp ground coriander 

1tsp ground fennel 

1tsp chilli powder 

1 tsp ground or minced ginger 

½tsp powdered mango Salt to taste Oil for deep frying. 

  • Let's Cook

Making the dough

Put the flour, salt and oil in a bowl and mix well with your hands to make a crumbly dough. Add the chilled water a little at a time mixing with your fingers as you do so. Do not knead and make a dough that is soft but not sticking to your fingers. Cover with a damp cloth and let restfor at least 15 minutes.

Make the filling 

Heat the oil in a frying pan and gently stir fry until the peas become tender. Add the chilli powder, coriander, fennel, mango powder and some salt and continue stir frying for a few more minutes.

Mash the peas a little with a spatula and then let the mixture cool down to room temperature.

 Putting everything together and making the Kachori 

Slightly knead the dough and divide into 12 equal sized pieces Take one of the pieces and flatten using your fingers to make a flat circle about 2 inches in diameter. 

Rest the dough in one hand make into a little cup and put around 1tsp of the pea mixture into the centre of the cup, pull the edges together so that the pea mixture is covered by the dough. Do this with the remaining balls of dough. 

Allow the balls to rest for a few minutes and then place the filled balls on to a clean and dry surface and proceed to flatten the balls with the palm of your hand to make discs about 3 inches in diameter.

Heat about 1½ inches of oil in a frying pan to a medium heat. It will be ready when if you put in a piece of dough it sizzles and slowly rises to the top. 

Fry the Kachories in small batches, turning after they start to puff.. It should take about 3 minutes on each side. Do not cook on too high a heat as the Kachories will go soft and not be crispy.                   Serve your Kachories with some chutneys
